Did you know: All 363 miles of the Oregon Coast are free and open to the public. That's why they call it "The People's Coast."


Virtual travel - Costa Rica



We weren't able to find any virtual tours around Costa Rica, but there are some amazing video to explore on you tube. 

Here are some must do's while there. 

 9 must do's while in Costa Rica

Steps to a cup of coffee

While sipping on my cup of coffee, grateful that the buzz I was getting was considered legal, I couldn’t help but think about how coffee is made and the curious sequence of events that lead to the perfecting of the beverage now in my hands.

The more you learn about the steps required to produce a good, healthy cup of coffee, the more you begin to wonder how it is that we even have coffee today.

From tree to cup it takes a staggering 15 steps to get you that perfect cup of coffee!

Learn how coffee is made. From Bean To Cup!