Did you know: The Eiffel Tower in Paris is lit at night by 20,000 special light bulbs all donated by Phillips.  Collectively, they weigh 8 tons.  The lighting installation required 25 mountain climbers who worked for 5 months to set up the system.  When originally built (for the 1900 Worlds Fair) the tower was lit by some 10,000 gas street lamps.


Tikehau for a motu picnic

I booked an excursion on Tikehau for a motu picnic. 2 fantastic things on this excursion was swimming with a manta ray which was unreal. I loved it, even though I did hold the guides hand. And bird island, only 3 of us were on this trip and it was amazing. Everyone who, goes to Tikehau needs to do this trip. We got really close to lots of chicks.

I didn't think it was possible to find another place more beautiful than Bora Bora until I got to Tikehau, stunning atolls, low isles, no hills, only sand bars, and coconut palms idyllic very quiet and still. It's a real paradise.

Watching the Sharks off Bird Island

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Annie is enjoying her time in Tahiti, and was lucky to visit Bird Island and see some sharks.