Did you know: Approximately 80% of the Yukon remains wilderness? That means the parks of the Arctic and Northern Yukon region are treasured spots to witness towering peaks, azure-blue lakes, abundant wildlife including grizzlies, moose, Dall sheep, caribou, wolves and many other smaller animals! The territory is also blessed with unique arts and culture that speak to the people who are drawn by the spirit of the north.

Corporate Responsibility

Sustainability:  The Travel Group has been working for years to achieve a genuinely "paperless" office, which includes our delivery of customer service.  95% of all invoices, itineraries, and documents are delivered to our clients electronically, rather than on printed paper.  We aggressively resist glossy brochures, which have long been the mainstay of the travel industry, in favour of web-based or electronic sales material.  We run a 100% recycling program in-house: that means that anything that can be recycled is recycled.


Charities and Community Involvement:  Years ago, one of our partners pointed out when we were searching for a charity to support that the cause was staring us right in the face every day when many of us drive to work or ride the bus past Vancouver's own Downtown Eastside.  From that insight, our very successful Downtown Eastside Fund emerged.  Every year The Travel Group and its members raise thousands of dollars through fun in-house events and other initiatives for charities in our own community in the eastern part of downtown Vancouver.   To see what we are doing lately, check our blog "Fun-Raising."


Some of the organizations we support include: 


In addition to this, we stage many fund-raising events in our office each year, including our "Longest Day of the Year Run" in June, our Casual Fridays, and our Christmas "Chocolates for Charity" initiative.  Also, in lieu of mailing out paper Christmas  cards to clients, we send an electronic card and donate the savings to our causes.

At The Travel Group, we believe that charity starts at home - which means supporting local causes and service organizations.