Did you know: The Travel Group was started in 1987, the year that Ronald Reagan said, "Mr. Gorbachev tear down [the Berlin] Wall."

New Zealand

Air New Zealand to offer "Cuddle Class"

(Oct. 15) -- Economy air travel need no longer be referred to as "cattle class," and passengers don't have to squeeze into tight seats.

Beginning next year, money-conscious long-haul travelers can take "cuddle class" and book a row of seats that convert into a couch or bed.

Planned by Air New Zealand for trans-Pacific flights, the "Skycouch" is a row of three regular seats redesigned to create a space for children to play or a flat surface for adults to relax and sleep.

While some airlines are considering offering standing-room only flights if they can get away with it (grrrrr), Air New Zealand is taking the opposite tack and serving up what every budget traveler longs for: Room to sleep.


“Cuddle class” will offer tired families and couples a chance to spread out with three seats in a row costing only ....

ANTM in New Zealand

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