Our official name is "1987 The Travel Group Ltd."  The original agency was called TFC Tours, which specialized in travel to southern Africa.  This was a multi-national company founded in the 1970s, with branches in Johannesburg, London, and Vancouver.   We purchased the Vancouver office in 1987 and changed the name to The Travel Group.

cathy's picture
Cathy Moore
General Manager

Phone Number: (604) 681-6345

Expertise:  Administration, HR, Wine & Cheese.

Bio: A founding member of The Travel Group, Cathy Moore believes that Newfoundlanders are the greatest travellers (did we mention she is from Newfoundland?)   Cathy has been in the travel business since 1985, and has previously been in property management and retail. She manages this crazy company, which means she is the person who says "No" (but also the person who gets to say "Yes!")  If you are looking to change careers or agencies, she's the gal you want to talk to!  Click here to send her a resume or email.

Favourite place:  "Tofino, London, Paris, Rome. " (Hey, that's cheating - one place Cathy!)

Hobbies:  Wine, travel, dogs, reading.  Check out her blog on restaurants around the world!

Travel Tip: "Buy olive wood cooking utensils at Provence markets.  The quality is excellent and they are cheap and light weight to pack home."


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