Did you know: The capital of Canada is Ottawa, the second coldest capital in the world.

martha's picture
Martha Williams
Corporate & Vacation Travel, CTC

Phone Number: (604) 605-5183

Expertise: Corporate & Vacation travel.

Bio: Martha started out in the travel industry in 1974.  There have been a lot of changes since then.  When she started, they didn't even use computers--everything was handled by telephone, telex, or mail!  The Travel Group has been lucky enough to have her with us since 2000, where she has gained a large, devoted clientele.

Favourite place: "There are several. The Galapagos Island, but if I have to pick one it would be Kenya. My dream was to see the animals, that most of us only witness in zoos, up close and in their natural habitat. What better way than on a safari through the African savannahs? Being able to get within a few feet of a pride of lions, a herd of elephants & zebras, or a sea of pink flamingos-that's an indescribable experience. And how about having tea with a baboon at Tree Tops?  (His idea, actually, not mine!) All this is possible, even commonplace, on an African safari. Even getting a flat tire in the middle of nowhere late at night on the way to a game reserve can be a priceless experience."

Hobbies: Cooking, gardening, traveling (and organizing my photos after), and definitely  hanging out with family & friends.

Travel tip: "Always expect the unexpected. Be determined to have fun, no matter what."


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